During the AG2019, we will have the award ceremony of the following prizes:
Karl-Schwarzschild Medal 2018
- Andrzej Udalski (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Karl-Schwarzschild Medal 2019
- Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden University)
Ludwig-Biermann Prize 2018
- Else Starkenburg (AIP, Potsdam)
Ludwig-Biermann Prize 2019
- Eduardo Banados (MPIA, Heidelberg)
PhD Prize 2018
- Pablo Marchant (U. Bonn)
PhD Prize 2019
- Oliver Friedrich (University of Cambridge)
- Tim Lichtenberg (University of Oxford)
Astrophysical Software Award 2018
- Volker Springel (MPA, Garching)
Instrument Development Award 2019
- Erik Hoeg, Lennart Lindegren, Michael Perryman
Bruno H. Bürgel Award 2019
- Johannes V. Feitzinger
- Dieter B. Herrmann
Hanno und Ruth Roelin Award
- Sybille Anderl