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Apr 22 – 26, 2024
University of Stuttgart, RZBW, Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569 Stuttgart
Europe/Berlin timezone

Posters + pdf

Aaron Bryant - Multidiagnostic FIFI-LS Spectroscopy in the Galactic Centre pdf
Michael Busch - Far-IR Calibration of the 18cm OH lines with SOFIA HyGAL in Diffuse Clouds pdf
Simon Dannhauer - Unveiling Massive Star Formation in the MilkyWay: The Diamond Ring in Cygnus X pdf
Christian Fischer - Determining the Water Vapor overburden for SOFIA Observations from in situ measurements and satellite data pdf
Nadine Fischer - Ideas and preparatory works for the final arachiving of FIFI data in Germany pdf
Eduard Keilmann - First detection of the [CII] 158 μm line in the intermediate velocity cloud Draco pdf
Shanghuo Li - High-order multiplicity formation in high-mass stellar protocluster pdf
Yoko Okada - Bright-rimmed clouds in IC 1396 pdf
Juan Luis Verbena Contreras - SOFIA/GREAT: post-ops and quality measures for heterodyne data pdf
Yaoting Yan - Non-metastable ammonia masers in the high-mass star-forming regions pdf