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Monday, 26th of July, 2021
CEST - PDT - duration - titile - speaker - (presentation code) - abstract link - chat link
Session 0 - Introduction, Chair: Bernhard Schulz
15:00-15:10 | 06:00-06:10 | 10 | Workshop Purpose and Logistics - Bernhard Schulz (0-01) chat
15:10-15:15 | 06:10-06:15 |  5 | DSI Director Welcome - Alfred Krabbe (0-02) chat
15:15-15:25 | 06:15-06:25 | 10 | NASA Instrumentation Roadmap - Margaret Meixner (0-03) chat
Session 1 - Solar System, Chair: Oliver Krause
15:25-15:45 | 06:25-06:45 | 20 | Observation of the solar system from stratospheric platforms in the far infrared - Paul Hartogh (1-01)
abstract chat
15:45-16:00 | 06:45-07:00 | 15 | Detection of complex molecules in planetary atmospheres with high-resolution infrared spectroscopy - Conor Nixon (1-02)
abstract chat
16:00-16:05 | 07:00-07:05 |  5 | Break
16:05-16:15 | 07:05-07:15 | 10 |  Tracing the gas composition of Titan´s stratosphere from space, ground and airborne-based observatories - Miriam Rengel (1-03) abstract chat
16:15-16:25 | 07:15-07:25 | 10 | Planetary Observations in the Near IR - Michael Person (1-04)
abstract chat
16:25-16:35 | 07:25-07:35 | 10 | A vision and a new toolbox for stellar occultation studies - Karsten Schindler (1-05)
abstract chat
Session 2 - Star & Planet Formation, Chair: Jochen Eislöffel

16:35-16:55 | 07:35-07:55 | 20 | Star Formation with Sofia - Henrik Beuther (2-01) abstract chat
16:55-17:15 | 07:55-08:15 | 20 |  Long Break
17:15-17:35 | 08:15-08:35 | 20 |  - Magnetic fields and star formation in filamentary clouds with SOFIA - Philippe André (2-02) abstract chat
17:35-17:50 | 08:35-08:50 | 15 | Watching massive stars grow with SOFIA - Bringfried Stecklum (2-03)
abstract chat
17:50-18:00 | 08:50-09:00 | 10 | Water deuteration toward embedded low-mass protostars: A physical and chemical diagnostic of the earliest stages of star formation - Sigurd Sigersen Jensen (2-04)
abstract chat
18:00-18:05 | 09:00-09:05 |  5 | Break
18:05-18:20 | 09:05-09:20 | 15 | Astrochemistry of pre-stellar cores: the deuteration maps of H2CS towards L1544 - Silvia Spezzano (2-05) abstract chat
18:20-18:35 | 09:20-09:35 | 15 |  Future opportunities for FIR infall studies towards star forming regions - Friedrich Wyrowski (2-06)
abstract chat
Session 3 - Interstellar Medium, Chair: Nicola Schneider
18:35-18:55 | 09:35-09:55 | 20 |  Characterizing the interstellar medium with Hydrides - Peter Schilke (3-01)
abstract chat
18:55-19:10 | 09:55-10:10 | 15 | Discussion chat


Tuesday, 27th of July 2021
CEST - PDT - duration - titile - speaker - (presentation code) - abstract link - chat link
Session 3 - Interstellar Medium, Chair: Nicola Schneider
15:00-15:20 | 06:00-06:20 | 20 | From diffuse to dense gas: Submm observations are needed to understand the life-cycle of molecular clouds - Stefanie Walch (3-02)
abstract chat
15:20-15:30 | 06:20-06:30 |  10 | The impact of stellar feedback in the young Vela C molecular cloud - Lars Bonne (3-03)
abstract chat
15:30-15:45 | 06:30-06:45 | 15 | SOFIA FEEDBACK survey: First results and future prospects - Maitraiyee Tiwari (3-04)
abstract chat
15:45-15:55 | 06:45-06:55 | 10 | A renaissance of CH observations: synergies between the FIR and radio wavelengths - Arshia Maria Jacob (3-05)
abstract chat
15:55-16:05 | 06:55-07:05 | 10 | Using Multiple Lines for Galactic PDR Analysis - Randolf Klein (3-06)
abstract chat
16:05-16:10 | 07:05-07:10 |  5 | Break
Session 3 - Interstellar Medium, Chair: Friedrich Wyrowski
16:10-16:30 | 07:10-07:30 | 20 |  Stellar feedback in the ISM revealed by wide-field velocity-resolved imaging - Javier Goicoechea (3-07)
abstract chat
16:30-16:45 | 07:30-07:45 | 15 | The Astrophysics Stratospheric Telescope for High Spectral Resolution Observations at Submillimeter-wavelengths, ASTHROS - Jorge Pineda (3-08)
abstract chat
16:45-17:00 | 07:45-08:00 | 15 | The chemistry of astrophysical environments - synergies between far-infrared spectroscopy and laboratory experiments - Helmut Wiesemeyer (3-09)
abstract chat
17:00-17:10 | 08:00-08:10 | 10 | Poster Session
1 SOFIA FEEDBACK observations reveal the distribution and physical conditions of the cold material in front of RCW 120 - Slawa Kabanovic (3-p1)
abstract chat
2 Tracing Magnetic field with Submillimeter spetropolarimetry - Huirong Yan (3-p2)
abstract chat
3 Diffusion mixing in molecular clouds - Aleena Baby (3-p3)
abstract chat
4 Dynamics of the gas in hub-filament complex L1172/1174 - Ekta Sharma (3-p4)
abstract chat
5 A survey of polarized dust emission by BLAST Observatory to address the MHD turbulence properties in the ISM and the physical properties of dust composition - Valentina Fanfani (3-p5)
abstract chat
6 The Pillars of Creation in [CII] - Ramsey Karim (3-p6)
abstract chat
7 Radioactive Molecules in Space - Alexander A. Breier (3-p7)
abstract chat
8 Coherent filamentary velocity caustics structures as revealed by the HI, CO, and dust polarization maps near the Taurus region - Ka Ho Yuen (3-p8)
abstract chat
17:10-17:30 | 08:10-08:30 | 20 |  Long Break
17:30-17:45 | 08:30-08:45 | 15 |  The need for FIR heterodyne observations to understand the Milky Way interstellar medium - Volker Ossenkopf-Okada (3-10) abstract chat
17:45-17:55 | 08:45-08:55 | 10 | [OI] self-absorption effects in M17SW and MonR2 - Cristian Guevara (3-11)
abstract chat
17:55-18:05 | 08:55-09:05 | 10 | Outer Galaxy as a laboratory to study star formation across environments; co-authors - Agata Karska (3-12)
abstract chat
18:05-18:10 | 09:05-09:10 |  5 | Break
Session 3 - Interstellar Medium, Chair: B-G Andersson
18:10-18:25 | 09:10-09:25 | 15 | A Galaxy-wide characterization of the role of magnetic field in star formation with large-scale far-infrared polarimetric mapping: the role of the BLAST Observatory - Sergio Molinari (3-13)
abstract chat
18:25-18:35 | 09:25-09:35 | 10 | Study magnetic fields and dust physics with airborne observatories - Tram Le Ngoc (3-14)
abstract chat
18:35-18:45 | 09:35-09:45 | 10 |  Discovering the wealth in Velocity-resolved observations of Photon Dominated Regions - Bhaswati Mookerjea (3-15)
abstract chat
18:45-19:00 | 09:45-10:00 | 15 | Discussion chat   


Wednesday, 28th of July 2021
CEST - PDT - duration - titile - speaker - (presentation code) - abstract link - chat link
Session 4 - Late Stellar Evolution, Chair: B-G Andersson
15:00-15:20 | 06:00-06:20 | 20 | Lifting the veil on evolved stars with with airborne astronomy - Taïssa Danilovich (4-01)
abstract chat
15:20-15:30 | 06:20-06:30 |  10 | Astrophysical High Resolution Mid-Infrared Observations - A Case Study of Late-type Stars - Guido Fuchs (4-02)
abstract chat
Session 5 - Nearby Galaxies, Chair: Suzanne Madden
15:30-15:50 | 06:30-06:50 | 20 | Full-disk SOFIA/FIFI-LS CII Observations in Local Spiral Galaxies - Frank Bigiel (5-01)
abstract chat
15:50-16:00 | 06:50-07:00 | 10 | The Episodic and Multiscale Galactic Centre - Aaron Bryant (5-02)
abstract chat
16:00-16:05 | 07:00-07:05 |  5 | Break
16:05-16:25 | 07:05-07:25 | 20 |  Understanding the multi-phase structure and physical conditions of the ISM in nearby galaxies - Melanie Chevance (5-03) abstract chat
16:25-16:35 | 07:25-07:35 | 10 | Far-Infrared N/O Abundance Estimates and Science with [O III] and [N III] - Bo Peng (5-04)
abstract chat
16:35-16:45 | 07:35-07:45 | 10 | Molecular gas kinematics in the nuclear region of nearby Seyfert galaxies with ALMA - Asnakew Bewketu Belete (5-05)
abstract chat
16:45-16:55 | 07:45-07:55 | 10 | Poster Session
1 Mechanical heating at parsec scales in the nearby AGN-SB composite galaxy NGC 4945 - Enrica Bellocchi (5-p1)
abstract chat
2 Measuring chemical abundances with infrared nebular lines - Juan Antonio Fernández Ontiveros (5-p2)
abstract chat
3 Surprisingly strong k-band dust emission found in LLAGNs - Antoine Dumont (5-p3)
abstract chat
4 sub-millimeter and millimeter emission of nearby galaxies: what we are still missing - Caroline Bot (5-p4)
abstract chat (canceled!)
5 Hyperluminous infrared galaxies (HLIRGs) - the greatest challenge in ultramassive galaxy formation - Lingyu Wang (6-p1)
abstract chat
6 Impact of Light-cone on the EoR CII LIM signal statistics - Chandra Shekhar Murmu (6-p2)
abstract chat
7 The magnification bias on submillimeter galaxies: cosmological constraints and large-scale bias corrections - Marcos M. Cueli (6-p3)
abstract chat
8 AtLAST: surveying the sky with a next generation sub-millimetre telescope - Joanna Ramasawmy (6-p4)
abstract chat
16:55-17:15 | 07:55-08:15 | 20 |  Long Break
Session 5 - Nearby Galaxies, Chair: Frank Bigiel
17:15-17:30 | 08:15-08:30 | 15 | Understanding [CII] excitation mechansims in low-redshift AGN host galaxies - Bernd Husemann (5-06)
abstract chat
17:30-17:40 | 08:30-08:40 | 10 | SOFIA observations of far-IR fine-structure lines in galaxies to measure metallicity - Luigi Spinoglio (5-07)
abstract chat
17:40-17:50 | 08:40-08:50 | 10 | Shock-enhanced [CII] detections in galaxies with FIFI-LS - Dario Fadda (5-08)
abstract chat
17:50-17:55 | 08:50-08:55 |  5 | Break
Session 6 - High-Redshift Galaxies, Chair: Frank Bigiel
17:55-18:15 | 08:55-09:15 | 20 | The Origins of Cosmic Star Formation from Line Mapping of the Universe - Dominik Riechers (6-01)
abstract chat
18:15-18:25 | 09:15-09:25 | 10 | Using SOFIA/FIFI-LS to explore the properties of high-redshift galaxies - Tommy Wiklind (6-02)
abstract chat
18:25-18:35 | 09:25-09:35 | 10 |  SOFIA/HAWC+ view of an extremely luminous infrared galaxy at z = 3.7 - Yoshiki Toba (6-03)
abstract chat
Chair: Bernhard Schulz
18:35-19:05 | 09:35-10:05 | 30 | Workshop Summary and Discussion - Karl Menten (7-01) chat
19:05-19:10 | 10:05-10:10 |  5 | Closing remarks and next workshop - Bernhard Schulz chat